Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
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Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
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Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Beige Yellow-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Black-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-White-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-stand Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Adjustable Crossbody Phone Case Straps With Wrist Strap-Mobile Phone Accessories-PHONE CASE ACCESSORIES-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Classic Round Pouch-Mobile Phone Accessories-AIRPODS & LIPSTICK POUCH-Brown-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Zipper E-stand Wallet-Mobile Phone Accessories-ZIPPER & WALLET-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody Wallet Phone Case Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging E-stand Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Craft Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Wallet Phone Case-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & WIRELESS CHARGING-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Black-iPhone 15 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Black-iPhone 16 Pro Max-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Black-iPhone 16 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Beige Yellow-iPhone 16 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Beige Yellow-iPhone 16 Pro Max-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Beige Yellow-iPhone 15 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Brown-iPhone 16 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Brown-iPhone 16 Pro Max-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-Brown-iPhone 15 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-White-iPhone 16 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-White-iPhone 15 Plus-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set-Mobile Phone Cases-DETACHABLE WALLET & ROUND POUCH-White-iPhone 16 Pro Max-Custype
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set
Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set

Crocodile Design Set- Detachable Wireless Charging Crossbody E-Stand Wallet Phone Case Round Pouch Set

Handmade Crafts & Free Standard Shipping
Regular price$99.00

The Crocodile Design Set features a wireless charging phone case with a detachable wallet for effortless card and cash management. Its crocodile texture exudes luxury and uniqueness. Also included is a round pouch for small-item storage. The wrist strap ensures a secure grip for quick phone access, and the crossbody strap allows hands-free use during a busy day. Ideal for those desiring practicality and elegance in mobile accessories.

  • Support magsafe function phone case, can be wireless charging.
  • The detachable wallet is equipped with multiple card slots, capable of storing cash, bank cards and other essentials.
  • The charming round pouch stylishly accommodates small items like lipsticks and keys.
  • The wrist strap ensures convenient hands-free portability, making it effortless to carry the phone.
  • The adjustable crossbody strap offers great convenience for on-the-go carrying during travels.
  • Exquisite crocodile pattern presents a luxurious touch, intensifying the visual allure of the phone.

Package includes:
  • Crocodile case *1
  • Detachable wallet *1
  • Round bag *1
  • Adjustable crossbody strap *1
  • Wrist strap *1
  • Round Pouch:W: 3.85"/H: 1"
  • Adjustable Strap Size: L: 44"-54"/ W: 0.5" 
  • Wallet Pouch(Fit for 6.7″ / 6.9‘’): L: 3.9" * W: 2.6" * H: 0.5"
  • Wallet Pouch(Fit for 6.1″ / 6.3‘’): L: 3.7" * W: 2.6" * H: 0.5"
  • The measurement method is inconsistent, there may be a slight error, please refer to the actual object prevail.

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Product Features

MagSafe Case

MagSafe Case ensures effortless wireless charging compatibility, providing protection while keeping your device powered up with convenience!

Hands Free

E-stand provides a convenient design, allowing you to enjoy a hands free reading or viewing experience.

Custype's Case Patents

The Art of Custype's Case

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Thoughtful Combination, a Quality Choice

Quality is shown in the details. The zipper is smooth and easy to pull, and the hardware has a high - end texture. The compartment design of the wallet part is reasonable, allowing cards and change to be placed in categories. On busy workdays, it enables me to quickly find the items I need. This kind of thoughtful combination design is really a great choice for a quality life.

Easy to carry, free your hands and feel super comfortable!

Carrying this phone case with the attached wallet is so effortless. The strap allows me to hang it around my neck or shoulder, which really frees up my hands. Whether I'm shopping, taking a walk, or traveling, it makes my life much easier. I can access my phone and essentials without any hassle.

A Stylish and Practical Must-Have!

I'm absolutely in love with this crocodile-embossed phone case and pouch set. The texture looks incredibly luxurious, giving it a high-end feel that really elevates my style. The strap is not only sturdy but also super convenient, allowing me to keep my phone and essentials close at hand without having to rummage through a big bag. It's the perfect combination of fashion and functionality, making it an essential accessory for my daily outings.

Stylish and Practical

Not only does this bag look great, but it's also incredibly practical. The wallet that can be separated is a brilliant feature. I can use it alone when I don't need to carry much. The shoulder strap and wrist strap give me options depending on my outfit. And those small storage pockets are just the right size for my lipstick and small mirror. It's a win - win!

Practicality Redefined for Daily Use!

This phone case with its additional features has become an essential part of my daily routine. It simplifies my life by allowing me to carry everything I need in one place. The long strap makes it easy to access my phone and wallet without having to constantly hold onto them. It's a practical solution that saves me time and effort throughout the day.

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